Arrowhead Academy provides an educational experience meeting the individual needs of students in a compassionate and caring environment. Our Master’s-level teachers incorporate a relevant and rigorous curriculum that is aligned with state, academic, and career standards while following the student’s individualized therapeutic plan. The educational staff, as well as the treatment staff, work collaboratively to provide the best care for each student.

Each Student Matters

The educational staff at Arrowhead is well equipped in caring for students who may be accepted into the program. Our team works to create a continuum of services available for the student, providing a path to achieve a high school diploma, GED, SAT/ACT prep and tutoring, college prep, or career training. Records and transcripts are requested upon entrance and an immediate review of the student’s needs are assessed. We offer credit recovery programs, college preparatory courses, general education requirements, project-based learning, sex education, financial literacy, and vocational programs of interest. We also provide access to state-of-the-art technology in order to produce 21st-century thinkers. Our student-to-teacher ratio is five students to one staff, providing exceptional learning environments at all times.

Assessment of Student’s Needs

Upon entrance into the program, students are assessed using the Woodcock-Johnson test of Academic abilities, the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT), and a vocational aptitude battery test. These assessments are given upon entering and exiting the program in order to gauge the student’s success and in order to design an individual learning plan. Arrowhead strives for open communication with student’s home districts in order to evaluate transcripts and place students appropriately. We also assure that youth with disabilities and special education needs will be identified and will receive appropriate educational services as required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Preparing for a Smooth Transition

In preparing for the departure of students, the team is efficient at communicating with home school districts to ensure a smooth transition. Our treatment and educational team cooperate daily to ensure individual goals are being addressed for each student. When students exit the program, they will be competent in decision-making skills, communication skills, and interpersonal skills. They will be able to identify their personal interests and be prepared to continue their education to fulfill their lifelong goals. Arrowhead Academy takes pride in offering the best educational program for all its students.